符玄龙,同济大学助理教授,研究领域为泛函分析与算子代数,重点探索C*-代数的分类与轨迹近似性等问题。他在米兰在线登录获得博士学位,并于博士期间赴美国俄勒冈大学进行学术访问。博士毕业后,他先后在复旦大学、多伦多大学及菲尔兹研究所从事博士后研究。符博士的研究成果卓著,已在Canadian Journal of Mathematics、Journal of the London Mathematical Society等期刊发表多篇论文。他在算子代数的理论研究中取得了诸多创新性进展,尤其是在非交换维数与C*-代数分类的交叉领域。
Let A be a simple separable non-elementary unital stably finite nuclear C*-algebra with strict comparison. One of Kirchberg’s result showed that central sequence algebra of A is non-simple. We show that every two nonzero ideals of the central sequence algebra of A contain a common fast vanishing ideal. As a consequence, we show that the central sequence algebra of A is prime. We also discuss the tracial version of related concepts. This is based on a joint work with I. Farah, F. Perera, H. Thiel, and E. Vilalta.